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Wholesale Cheap Purses Replica Fashion Designer Inspired Handbags
We are a China based handbags wholesaler with real cheap Chinese price. Our office is located in Guangzhou, in the heart of workshops valley, and we work in direct relationship with creators. All our products are ready for immediate international shipments, delivery all over the world.
Other links at Consumer Goods and Services > Clothing > Accessories > Handbags and Purses |
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Shamrock, Ltd
India. Manufacturers of wallets, hand bags, cases, covers, purses and organizers for corporate and promotional uses, from leather.
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Philippines. Fashionable handbags of todays trends and colors using indigenous hand woven natural materials like straw, raffia, abaca, bancuan and pandan.
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B Corp.
India. Manufactures jute shopping bags and handbags. Contains a company profile and a catalog of products.
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Italy. Manufactures and distributes handmade leather handbags and fashion accessories. Includes a catalog of products, an electronic catalog and testimonials. [English and Italian]